Environmental Policy Concentration

International Environmental Policy (18 credits)

This concentration enables students to evaluate and design environmental policies, taking into consideration biological and ecological complexity, economic tradeoffs, the design of regulatory and non-regulatory approaches to environmental sustainability, and the political process. The major emphasis here will be on an in-depth understanding of the policy process, program evaluation, and impact of environmental policy recommendations.

All students in this concentration will be required to take: ECO 450 International Environmental Economics and Policy (3 credits, description below), and will be required to take three additional graduate policy-related courses (9 credits) from list A below plus two courses (6 credits) in environmental analysis at the 400 or higher level from list B below. Other courses must be approved by the graduate coordinator.

ECO 450 International Environmental Economics and Policy

The basics of environmental economics and policy, and the economics behind international trade, and its effects on economic growth and development. The course examines alternative causes of international environmental problems and explores solutions through the application of international environmental economics and policy. Explores the processes of international policy development: identifying problems, designing and negotiating solutions, and implementing policies to change national behavior.

Preapproved Electives (all 3 Credits unless noted).  To provide students with flexibility in course selection appropriate to their career goals, other courses can be substituted with approval from the SPIA graduate coordinator.

A. Policy Related:

  • ECO 443 Introduction to Modern Economic Growth
  • ECO 445 Urban-Regional Economics
  • ECO 449 International Trade
  • ECO 473 Economic and Policy Applications of GIS
  • ECO 479 Land Use Planning
  • ECO 511 Macroeconomic Theory
  • ECO 514 Advanced Microeconomics I
  • ECO 524 Advanced International Finance
  • ECO 525 Advanced Topics in Economic Development
  • ECO 571 Advanced Environmental and Resource Economics I
  • ECO 572 Advanced Environmental and Resource Economics I1
  • ECO 581 Sustainable Resource Systems and Public Policy
  • ECO 590 Advanced Topics: Game Theory (2 Credits)
  • ECO 599 Special Topics: Energy Policy
  • ECO 599 Special Topics: Global Warming Policy
  • PAA 627 Environmental Policy and Management
  • FTY 446 Forest Resources Policy
  • HTY 577 Environmental History
  • PHI 432 Environmental Philosophy and Policy
  • SPI 573 Global Politics

B. Environmental Analysis:

  • ANT 420 Human Impacts on Ancient Environments
  • BIO 475 Field Marine Ecology
  • BIO 525 Community Ecology
  • BIO 546 Aquatic Ecosystems: a Landscape Perspective
  • CHE 480 Pollution Prevention in Industrial Ecology
  • CIE 430 Water Treatment
  • CIE 431 Pollutant Fate and Transport
  • CIE 533 Environmental Aquatic Chemistry
  • CIE 534 Environmental Microbiology
  • CIE 555 Environmental Hydrology
  • EES 418 Environmental Assessment and Management Techniques
  • EES 489 Critical Issues in Ecology and Environmental Sciences Policy
  • EES 497 Independent Studies in Ecology and Environmental Sciences
  • EES 590 Special Topics in Ecology and Environmental Science
  • FES 407 Forest Ecology
  • FES 541 Disturbance Ecology of Forest Ecosystems
  • INT 460 Environmental Aspects of Aquaculture
  • INT 482 Pesticides and the Environment
  • SMS 552 Ecological Approaches to Marine Resource Management
  • SMS 553 Institutions and the Management of Common Pool Resources
  • SMS 558 History of Uses and Abuses of the Coastal Zone
  • SMS 555 Resource Management in Cross-culture Perspectives
  • SMS 552 Ecological Approaches to Fisheries Management
  • SMS 562 Fisheries Population Dynamics
  • WLE 410 Wildlife Population Dynamics and Conservation
  • WLE 423 Wetland Ecology and Conservation
  • WLE 445 Management of Endangered and Threatened Species
  • WLE 555 Landscape Ecology and Conservation