Dr. Jonathan Rubin

Jonathan Rubin is the Director of the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center and Professor of Economics at the University of Maine. Rubin received his PhD in Agricultural Economics from the University of California, Davis. He is a member of the Energy Committee of the US Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine and a member of the Science and Technical Subcommittee of the Maine Climate Council. He was a Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Environment and Economy, Institute of the Environment, University of Ottawa, Canada in 2021-22. Dr. Rubin specializes in the economics of energy, light-duty transportation, greenhouse gas emissions and alternative fuels. His research investigates the environmental impacts of connected autonomous vehicles, low carbon transportation fuels and biofuel pathways.

Ph.D. Agricultural Economics, University of California, Davis
M.A. Economics, University of Washington
B.A. Economics, University of Rochester

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